Friday, July 24, 2009

Introducing Chase the pilot

My friend, Gary, from work took me and the kids out flying in his Cessna 182. It was so much fun and he even let Chase fly for a bit. Shilo was laughing and screaming all at the same time as Gary did some acrobatics and zero gravity tricks.

Lava HotSprigs Idaho

Last weekend we took our family vacation to Lava Hotsprings Idaho. The night before we left the brakes int he truck went out and cause a huge dent in our plans. Luckily Keena came to our rescue and let us borrow her extera for the trip, so we didn't have to cancel anything. Shilo had been camping since Tuesday up at pineview for girls camp. So lucky for her we were able to pick her up friday morning on our way up to Idaho, and she got to extend her already week long camping expierience, into another four days. On the way out of the canyon from picking Shilo up we found this beautiful water...and the vacation had begun.

Once we arrived at our campground we quickly realized that the only trees around had been planted oh i don't know, maybe 2 days before we got there. Needless to say the temperatures were up in the 90's and there was not shade to be found. Not to worry though Brandon quickly jumped on the invention wagon and came up with some clever ways to create shade. And once the shade was provided the camp started up with nothing but fun and games.
We had all decided that since Brandon had so much fun inventing, that we should all try new things too. I invented a new way to hold your drink and still be able to use your hands. Not sure what Chase invented but he sure looked cute doing it. And after we came up with our camp name, Shilo inveted our very cute and creative camp sign.
This is our final flag for our camp which we named.... Echo, Bravo, Sierra, Charlie...EBSC Camp (for short) and our moto was "phonetically challenged".
Later we headed off to run the river on two man tubes. The first time Shilo and I were together, and Brandon and Chase were together. It was so much fun and when me and Shilo went over a small water fall we tipped over. Frantically trying to grab onto the tube and grab onto shilo, while my sunglasses floated off my face and downstream, I was trying to assure Shilo that we were gonna be ok and not to worry. Suddenly I notice I was the only one flipping and flopping and yelling out "it's ok, it's ok"! Shilo looked down at me, because she was standing and I was trying to swim in two feet of water, and she said calmly "just stand up mom". HAHAHA thanks Shilo for staying calm and saving my life. The next time we ran Shilo went with Brandon, I wonder why, and Chase went with me. Wouldn't you know that Chase and I flip over in the same exact spot. But this time i knew...I was instead of freeking out, I simply held Chase in one hand and the tube in the other hand and lifted my feet in a chair position and calmly floated downstream. The third time we were getting ready to go and both kids wanted to go with Brandon...go figure!We were also able to visit the olympic swimming pool and hotsprings. We had so much fun at both places even though on the very last day at the pool Chase hit his face at the bottom of the water slide and cracked his front perminant tooth. Its all ok though, they will seal it and cap it and it didnt hurt him much. Life goes on and we had a great time.

After all of this it was back to camp every night for some good home cooked meals and old fashioned dance offs.