Sunday, September 6, 2009

Am I old!!!!

First Day of School....8th Grade

3rd Grade

The TEENS have arrived!!!

That's right Shilo turned 13! Scary I know. I'm not sure if its scary because she is a teenager or if its because I am the mother of a teenager. We had a lot of fun taking two of her friends and one of Chase's friends up to the cabin. I know what your thinking, how did you pull that off. Actually it was my dad's idea. Maybe he's crazy too HAHAHA. But he invited us all up for the night to have Shilo's one and only 13th birthday party. He even decorated the cabin for when we arrived, injuring himself in the process. But you know my dad, he didn't even complain once. Secretly I think he really enjoyed have all of those teens and pre-teens up there. We did everything from Cookouts, to hikes, to 4-wheeling, to hunting, to makeovers, and cake eating. It was a great party to the start of hopefully a wonderful first teenage year.
Presents Gallor!
Thankfully, since it started raining, Shilo had made some hobo smores we could eat inside, so we didn't have to miss out on smores.

Let the make overs begin!!!
Oh SOOOO thrilled!!!
I left the REDEYE in this picture on purpose. It just may be the evidence we need later, of exactly when the teen poltergeist entered her body :)
This is about the only pictures I could get of them sleeping. And this was at 8 o'clock the next morning. Because they didn't go to bed until well after 4:00 AM!!!MMMMM Breakfast...Morning Crusades