Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Pictues

Fall Friends!
What a beautiful young lady she is turning out to be!

Too Cool for his own good!

Shilo, Chase, and new baby brother Maxton!

Chaperon for the 3rd Graders!

This past month I signed up to help chaperon Chase's class on their zoo field trip. It was so much fun. I had the cutest boys in my group and the teacher gave us a project, instead of just walking around. When I arrived to his classroom, his teacher greeted me with a clip board and some instructions. Our particular instructions stated, that we start 15 minutes after arriving to the zoo, and then follow the rest of the instructions numbered 1-6. Since Chase's class had been studying about maps and directions, we were instructed to find a certain area or animal on the zoo map, and then answer questions like, "What direction will you walk to get there?", and "What type of place is this area?". All of the boys were a great help and worked together amazingly. The last instruction was to meet at a certain place for lunch. We all met and ate our sack lunches together. Elijah was in our group and Chase and Elijah had a big soccer game coming up that evening, so of course the topic over lunch what how they were gonna "kick that other teams booties!". I'm really glad that I can enjoy special events such as this with my kids. These are the small insignificant times that I need to remember always!

Gotta love new baby animals...the tiger dad was aware of the baby outside his door and roaring so loud, it was way cool! It made Chase and Elijah jump as they posed for this picture.
Chase was busy navigating with the zoo map and almost forgot to stop to look at the animals on the way. But he was sure to stop and watch how cute the baby elephant was. It has so much personality, playing all over the place like a real baby.

Here is the boys that were in our group, Chase, Elijah, and Steven. The are so smart and all got along with no problems. It was a very good day.

"The Man Eating Flower"...according to Chase.And of course we had to make time for the playground stop before lunch...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Step Out: To Fight Diabetes.

Carbs In Pink

Goal: $2,000

Achieved: $2,155

The Team!!!!

We are so proud of Shilo. This year was her first year of being involved in the Diabetes Walk to find a cure. She worked hard for her fund raising goal. She sent out a million emails, and was constantly watching her web site to keep informed. She not only reach her first initial goal, but raised it higher and beat her second goal as well. Shilo raised a total of $2155, and walked 2.5 miles with friends and family to show how much this cause means to her. She has had diabetes for almost two years now and has to cope with it every day. All though she has her good days and bad, for the most part she has good days. We are very proud of her and want to thank everyone who was involved to show their support for Shilo and others dealing with this disease.

The Team CaptainThe Walk Begins...
Shilo, finishing what she started!

My son plays soccer... Therefore I have no life!

Chase's Competition Soccer Team...
Fusion Force