Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Letters to Haiti

There is a pilot that I work with, and he owns a small cargo company. He decided this last month to use his airplane to volunteer to take fresh doctors out to Haiti and bring the tired ones home for recovery. He had flown out there two or three times already and had taken some letters from his own family and the kids in his neighborhood, along with a small donation, and hand delivered them to the Haitian families in need. He mentioned it to some of us at work and we decided to involve our own families. He says that just $10 is more then two weeks salary for a family and the letters and prays helped them to see people do care. I let Shilo and Chase write some letters and gave them each $5.00 to place in a small unmarked envelope to send with him on his next flight. He is doing this strictly voluntary and is not receiving any money of his own on this. I read the letters my kids wrote and believe they are truly angels from heaven.
And this is a response from one of the Doctors that we received...

Fw: Haiti Letters

Dear Mike
I gratefully received your new box of letters. I wanted to write sooner but have been so busy. I have had some great experiences with the letters and wanted to share at least one with you. I was asked to see a little girl named Laviolette who had her leg crushed when her house collapsed in the earthquake. She was in a small tent next to what was left of her house. I crawled in and scooped her up to take her to the hospital where we took care of her. We returned her to her tent late that night. As I was leaving I gave her one of your letters. Her cousin who was with her in this dirty little tent looked up at me and said in broken english "God will bless to you!" Now I am not an emotional guy but the little scene of these girls in that grungy tent with no worldly possessions and me being very tired was enough to overwhelm me. Tears streamed down my face as I walked away. That scene will be etched I'm my memory forever. I will never forgot it.

More stories to follow.
Signing off from Haiti

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Snow Days At The Cabin

We had so much fun this winter at the cabin. Between Grandpa's new hot chocolate machine, the sledding, and the Shilo's new snowboard, there was never a dull moment.Grandpa Pulling the kids behind the snowmobile!

The three best friends that anyone could have....

Mom's attempt at snowboarding!

Shilo and Chase of coarse were naturals.

And then there was Nate....