Saturday, December 27, 2008

Twas the night before Chirstmas.... Sort of!!!

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse… Well not exactly! Twas the day before Christmas, and all through the house, was a lot of hustle and bustle, and I never saw a mouse. Chase was excited; there was four feet of snow. He bundled himself up and ran like the wind blows. The dogs were beside him the entire time, and never even hesitated on the big mountains he climbed. This morning was cold, so a fire was built, but the kids couldn’t care less and for sure felt no guilt. They simply wanted to see what the holidays had brought them, and of course were ecstatic and exclaimed, “Look what I got from him!” The present were ripped, torn, and piled, as each gift was looked over and presented with smiles. When the hype had all ended and each gift was exposed, each kid retired to their own corner to inspect their own loads.

Latter in the day, a treat was built high. More candy made it to mouths then on the roof or on the sides. They worked together nicely each taking a corner, but you all know like I do that Shilo made sure there was order. She helps in all areas taking control, which is often a blessing and something to behold. As baby raptor was screaming, she simply lifted him up. She stated “Look here Chanman…” and then he threw up. He is too small to make presents or even know what it’s all about, however he always had something to say or someway to pout.

As the day went on, Wii had games a plenty. Aubrey will show you how to hold the Wii remote steady. Hold your leg to one side, then stick out your tongue, this will for sure get the correct job done. We took turns on each team, but it was obvious who could not be beat. Just take a look at the film, me and Aston you could not defeat. Don’t worry your self Keena had the butt shake down. I’m not sure what this was for but seamed to help her out. With bellies so full, and the sore arms from Wii, it was time to settle down and of course Chan fell asleep. Every person wined down, and thanked the others, as they lay in their beds and pulled up the covers. Even though Grandpa was not in our sight, he knows that we love him and missed him this night. And so we would like to make this big wish, that every one got what they wanted on there list. Whether it is something materialistic and grand or something less obvious like world peace in the land. Hope your smiles are bright! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

1 comment:

Annette Anthony said...

So cute.. I love your ryming! Going to your dads house is such a treat for your family and a great tradition! I love the ora around you while you are playing the wii! Is that the Christmas Spirit?
Happy New Year my friend...May this year bring you and Brandon and kids all the best life has to offer.