Sunday, October 4, 2009

Step Out: To Fight Diabetes.

Carbs In Pink

Goal: $2,000

Achieved: $2,155

The Team!!!!

We are so proud of Shilo. This year was her first year of being involved in the Diabetes Walk to find a cure. She worked hard for her fund raising goal. She sent out a million emails, and was constantly watching her web site to keep informed. She not only reach her first initial goal, but raised it higher and beat her second goal as well. Shilo raised a total of $2155, and walked 2.5 miles with friends and family to show how much this cause means to her. She has had diabetes for almost two years now and has to cope with it every day. All though she has her good days and bad, for the most part she has good days. We are very proud of her and want to thank everyone who was involved to show their support for Shilo and others dealing with this disease.

The Team CaptainThe Walk Begins...
Shilo, finishing what she started!

1 comment:

keena said...

What a goodlookin group ... and that little baby is handsome ... way to go Miss Shilo.