Saturday, November 28, 2009

Very Happy Thanksgiving!

Me and the kids had a very good Thanksgiving this year. We went up to the cabin and were joined with 18 family members for a beautiful and bountiful dinner. I am very glad that both my dad's family and Sheri's family can be so close and enjoy family get together's as if we have been a family forever.Fun filled living room

Shilo being the best baby sitter as usualChase was the undefeated champion in WII boxing!
Some people took the defeat better then others...We were sad to see one member of the family go, however very thankful that Leroy could spend 50 beautiful years with his lovely wife Linda. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

3rd Grade Native American Program....

Today was Chase's 3rd Grade Program. The kids have been working on this program for over three months. I know this because for the past three months every time we get into the car Chase begins singing some of the songs from the Pocahontas movie. They made there own costumes and scenery. And also had a big project that they had to make and turn in this week. Chase made a beautiful tee pee out of canvas, and a copper rubbing of and Indian head. They worked very hard both in class and out for this event and I was very proud of him.

He must be a boy...

As I arrived at the school grounds about 3:15 Chase was sitting on the ground crying. He came over to the jeep, and said "Mommy I was running backwards and tripped and hit the back of my head on the tree." I checked his head and eyes like any good mom would do and there was no cut, no bumps or bruises, and eyes appeared normal. By the time we got to our house, which is only 5 minutes from the school, Chase had stopped crying and claimed to be OK. I sent the kids into the house and headed back to work as usual. About 4:50 I was cleaning up at work when the phone rang and it was Shilo. I could hear Chase screaming in the background and Shilo told me something was wrong with Chase. "He's very confussed, and he is holding his head and screaming." she said. He told Shilo that he needed to go to the office to call his mom, and when she explained to him that they were at home, he said oh well then go get dad. Shilo told him we are at mom's house and he looked around and said no we are not, we are at dad's. I immediatley left work and called their dad, to see if he was was close by. By the time Clint arrived at my house Chase had started throwing up. We decided to take him to the instacare, who sent us up to Primary Children's Hospital. On the drive from my house, to the instacare, to Primary's Chase threw up six times. Poor kid! As we suspected after many doctors, and cat scans, Chase was diagnosed with his very first concusion. He stayed the night in the hospital for observation, but had no signs of swelling or bleeding. When the doctor asked Chase what he had learned from all of this, Chase simply explained... "When your running backwards, make sure there are not trees behind you!"

Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween was Spooktacular!

This Halloween we decided to go the the hogal zoo's fright night. It was so cold and dark, but worth every minute. You show up to the zoo about 7 o'clock when its pretty dark. And a tour guides, dressed in costume of course, takes you around the zoo, giving you animal and zoo facts. But, the fun twist is every story has a Halloween or spooky twist to it. Such as... "Now who wants to go see our cyclopes?, We keep it a secret and only show the special ghosts and goblins who come to the zoo at night!" Then on the way to this special creature the host tells all kinds of facts about the animal and the place it lives. Turns out the cyclopes is a giant elephant skull, which has a hole right in the middle indicating one eye. It was so much fun and Shilo and Chase were sure to be right up front every time. Chase was so cute asking the guides every little question he could think of. And the main guide even recognized what his costume was, he was pretty impressed. Shilo was very cute leading the way with her cell phone light. And didn't notice until the very end that a certain young man in the group was very taken by her, and made sure he could see her at all times. She acted disgusted and put out, but I thought it was kinda cute! The whole tour ended at an outdoor theater with a heater, and "Spiderella" presented a show about snakes, bugs, and other small animals, which the kids could touch after. The whole night was a lot of fun!Chase's 3rd Grade Halloween Parade!!!!
Scary Lord of the Rings Character and Cute Cuddly Witch!
The Fright Night Walk
And for work I was Laura Croft this year