Tuesday, November 24, 2009

He must be a boy...

As I arrived at the school grounds about 3:15 Chase was sitting on the ground crying. He came over to the jeep, and said "Mommy I was running backwards and tripped and hit the back of my head on the tree." I checked his head and eyes like any good mom would do and there was no cut, no bumps or bruises, and eyes appeared normal. By the time we got to our house, which is only 5 minutes from the school, Chase had stopped crying and claimed to be OK. I sent the kids into the house and headed back to work as usual. About 4:50 I was cleaning up at work when the phone rang and it was Shilo. I could hear Chase screaming in the background and Shilo told me something was wrong with Chase. "He's very confussed, and he is holding his head and screaming." she said. He told Shilo that he needed to go to the office to call his mom, and when she explained to him that they were at home, he said oh well then go get dad. Shilo told him we are at mom's house and he looked around and said no we are not, we are at dad's. I immediatley left work and called their dad, to see if he was was close by. By the time Clint arrived at my house Chase had started throwing up. We decided to take him to the instacare, who sent us up to Primary Children's Hospital. On the drive from my house, to the instacare, to Primary's Chase threw up six times. Poor kid! As we suspected after many doctors, and cat scans, Chase was diagnosed with his very first concusion. He stayed the night in the hospital for observation, but had no signs of swelling or bleeding. When the doctor asked Chase what he had learned from all of this, Chase simply explained... "When your running backwards, make sure there are not trees behind you!"

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