Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lazy Weekend...

Ricky and I took a small vaca up to the cabin. The kids were at there dad's so it was just going to be us grown ups. How weird is that???? I don't ever remember going to the cabin without kids. So I decided to ask if I could take the little ChanMan. Luckily for us his mom was OK with letting him go on our small adventure. It was kinda nice having a little one around again. I forget how much my kids have grown until I'm the primary caregiver for another small toddler. He was very well behaved and loved spending some "guy time" with Ricky and Grandpa. But of course once the guy time became too boring, because you can only watch so many hours of pre-super bowl game television, he came back to the girls and played everything from, baby dress-ups. Haha, I would like to think it will make him a sensitive man. But after he was trying to kiss Ricky on the lips for the 14th time...I thought maybe it wasn't such a good idea. Over all it was a very fun filled weekend, and I'm ready to head back up the mountain for another.

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