Tuesday, August 26, 2008

ABC's and 123's

Today was the first day of school for both of my babies. I say babies but in reality they are both so very grown up. It's weird it makes me sad and happy at the same time. I think back to when Shilo was ice skating in the kitchen with nothing but a diaper on, with a whole bottle of lotion spread on the tile, or when Chase who could barely walk and only say a few words, walks into my bedroom with a clean diaper opened up on his head and says "I a butt head!" Those are the memories that make me miss the baby years. But at the same time I watched Shilo shave her legs, put make-up on, do her hair, and worry about which shoes matched the best with her outfit, and Chase gather up his book bag, looking ever so handsome, and sit patiently by him slef waiting to go into school with not a worry or a care in the world, and these remind me of how grown up each of them are. Chase is in 2nd grade this year at Academy Park, and Shilo started Jr. High at Bennion. All day long all I could think was Shilo must be in third period by now, oh looks like its about Chase's lunch time, and after school when i picked them up Shilo had story after story about her new school and what pleased me the most was after about 4 or 5 different stories she simply mumbled under her breath "I love this school." While Chase was quietly waiting exactly where he was supposed to and jumped up at the site of my jeep coming around the corner, waving his hands and looking so happy. I have a feeling this is going to be a great year, and even with the long homework nights, the forgotten books, the driving to and from school, and of course dont forget the calls from the pincipal's (c'mon it's my kids lets not kid ourselves) these kids who are growing up so fast will amaze us all I'm sure.

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