Monday, August 18, 2008

Shilo at the Shilo Inn Downtown!

As many of you know Shilo just had her 12th birthday. Yup, that's right birthday number 12. WOW...that makes me old. For her party Shilo and I decided to rent a room for the night at the Shilo Inn downtown Salt Lake, and have a few friends spend the night with us. It was so much fun. You know when you plan a party for a little kid, say about 5 to 10 years old, you have to be there, to run the games, lead the present opening, and say "It's cake time!" Well when a child is not really a child anymore but more of a pre-teen, they really don't need their mommy there to have fun :( I forgot how teens will plan what they want, when they want, and for how long they want. She had her cousin Haily, and her best friend from elementary, Anna, come to stay with us. They swam for about 4 hours before returning to the room starving. Then they ate us out of room and hotel, haha, and decided it was present time. Shilo was so very respectful to her friends, thanking them time and time again and saying how much she loved her presents, they were just perfect. I wanted to mention that part, because maybe, just maybe I had a little something to to with that when raising her. Then it was time to beat the pinata to death, and I mean to death. But they made there own rules and stated who would go first and what would happen next, it was actually nice I just sat back and took the pictures and laughed at how freaking grown up they all sounded (at times anyway).

Now this is the real scary part, I waited up for the girls to come back from the swimming pool for the second time, until 11:00 p.m. Then I fell asleep waiting, does that mean I'm old? The girls finally came back to the room around midnight, and I got up and talked with them for a bit until they found a movie they wanted to watch on TV. They proceeded to watch this movie as I, yup you guessed it, fell back to sleep. Then next morning the girls told me they stayed up until about 2:30 or 3:00 a.m. oh I remember those days hehe.

Surprisingly enough the girls were up and ready to go down to the restaurant and eat breakfast by 9:30. It was a lot of fun we all went to the restaurant in our pajamas and talked all during breakfast about how excited they were for school to start. Being as they are all going into 7th grade, it will be new and exciting for all of them. After breakfast the girls wanted to swim again of course, so we had enough time for a short swim while I worked out in the gym.

So all good things must come to an end, and this fun filled birthday night had to also. We checked out of the hotel and proceeded to take the girls home. Oh, but this is not the end, no way. Then whole way home, in the back of the jeep, which did not have the roof, the girls played a game called "Sweet or Sour". The rules of this game are simple, you wave to pedestrians, bikers, motorcyclist, or motorist and if they wave back they are sweet no problem, if they ignore you or give you a dirty look they are sour. And let me tell you, you do not want to be the sour one to three 12 year old girls in the back of a topless jeep. They yelled, they screamed, they laughed, and they had the best times ever. And I think I did too.

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