Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!!

Pretty Pretty Lady Bug!Kick Butt Rambo!

This Halloween we had so much fun. I think the kids got to put on and wear there costumes about a total of 5 times. They were so cute and excited to show them off every time. With everything from Trick or Treat St., parties, carving pumpkins, costume contests, to Trick or Treating we all made it the best Halloween. Shilo even spent hours picking out the seeds from the pumpkin guts to make us all some special roasted pumpkin seeds, and they were delicious. Chase was the star of his school parade and it was so much fun to watch. My friend and I dressed up as fire and ice and won a costume contest at work for the most original costume. We trick or treated about 4 blocks of our neighborhood and the kids have enough candy to last them all year, not that it will of coarse. I tried to find Chandler the whole time but all I could find was the cutest cow ever. His mommy said that it was Chandler dressed up and that he was in character, however, that was the best cow ever so I dont believe her. Over all after all of the chaos, red stained everything, and stress we had a great Halloween, but I'm glad its over....

Trick or Treat St.

e's Parade

Fire and Ice

Fire and Cow!?!?!?!?
(Cow Bum)

Treatin' the Hood

Monday, October 27, 2008

7th Grade Choir Concert

Shilo had her first choir concert. She was so excited because we all know how much she loves to preform. The boys choir went first and it was so funny because nothing is more awkward then a 7th grade boy. After the boys were done the girls filled onto the stage with such a proud and positive vibe about them. She did an excellent job, we are so proud of her!

Boys Choir!

Can you find Shilo...She hid behind that girl the whole time hehe!

Just finished preforming and was all a glow.

And of course we all know Shilo was not done with the stage even though her performance was over, she is so cute.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Band for hire!

Who needs entertainment when your with the Hills? This weekend Brandon's family came over for dinner. We made delicious enchiladas and the fam provided the rest. It's so nice to be able to have people over in the house and they do not have to sit on each others laps. We had a good time chatting and eating dinner and catching up on things. As soon as Brandon's sister Melissa heard we had rock band all other plans were out the door. She insisted that we show his parents how much fun it can be. And she was right! Everyone took turns on the instruments and singing and believe it or not it was very entertaining. Even little Sarah took her turn on the drums. After we were all partied out and couldn't take anymore we headed upstairs to paint our pumpkins. It was a good evening all around and we can't wait til next time.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A day in the life of babysitting

Today we are watching Chandler so his mommy can go make lots of money to buy him lots of stuff...So here is how our day has gone so far...

Lay on the floor and kick and punch as hard as I can...then look to make sure everyone saw how funny I was.

Then I ponder why everyone is laughing at me.....Whats so funny? Then do it all over agian.

Now let me tell you a secret that my Uncle Brandon just told me, when your a cranky butt and don't want to deal with anyone, all you have to do is sit back and watch some FOOTBALL!!!

Aunt Erika says its now time for a field trip, I'm not sure what a field or a trip is but I'm all bundled up and strapped into the car seat so I'm sure it will be so much fun...

Oh man I slept through the whole thing now I'll never know what a field trip is!!!