Friday, May 8, 2009

Good Friend

Shilo, Mkayla, Breanna, Tayzah

Shilo has a friend that she met this year in Jr. High. Tayzah and her have hung out together many times through out the year. Tayzah recently informed Shilo that her mother, being a single parent, was having financial difficulties. Not only did they have to move, but she was going to have to transfer schools and to top it all off her mother could not afford to give her a birthday party. Shilo, being the good friend she is, asked me if she could plan a party for her friend. Now I feel bad for the girl but I myself do not have time or money to plan extra parties for every child in the neighborhood. So I told Shilo she could do whatever she wanted but I couldnt spend a lot of money on it. So Shilo set forth with the planning of her friends birthday party. She made the invitations, planned the games and activities, and only asked I buy some pizza to snack on. And so, tonight Shilo and her three friends came to our house and partied their little hearts out. My house is full of teenage girls...I cant believe I used to be one of them. The girls spent 45 min in the bathroom saying they were filling up the water balloons. But I'm pretty sure they were laughing, giggling, joking, and texting boys. Finaly all of the water ballons were full and girls headed to the backyard to ambush the birthday girl.
Then they headed to the front yard for some much needed warming up.

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