Thursday, September 23, 2010

4th Grade Field Trip

Remember on the fist day of school when I said Chase doesn't "need" his mom anymore. Well about a month ago the school sent home a note asking for field trip volunteers. I of course signed up, as I always do, and as soon as Chase heard that I was accepted to join them, he called me up and screamed "You were picked, you were picked!" Like I had won the lottery or something. And like I have never gone on a field trip with his class before haha. Well then for the next few weeks about every other day Chase asked are you still going mom? "Yes Chase still!" And so here it is...This is the Place!

First we had to trek 1,300 miles from Iowa City to the Great Salt Lake
Then once the colony was settled, we had to start going to school. Man this is not like the school we go to now. The rules (and Laws) have changed dramatically.


Once our school was done, it was time to work. We were the local saddle maker and worked with the felmonger, tanner, and leather man.

Next we were able to also go visit the natural history museum at the university. Two field trips in Cool!

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