Thursday, July 31, 2008

We all know whos really in charge!

When we were looking at houses to buy this past year, we actually found a house that we wanted and put an offer on. Even though the offer had not yet been accepted we took the kids to see this house. They were so excited running around it like they already owned it. And to top it all off, in the back yard was a playhouse/stage that they just loved. Well to make a long story short that whole deal fell through and that house was no longer available for us. Thankfully that was not the house of our dreams, even if the kids thought the playhouse was the playhouse of there dreams. A few weeks later we found the perfect house for our family, however, you guessed it, there was no playhouse in the back yard. The kids, being the law enforcers that they are, stated we could buy this house on one condition. That we build them a playhouse!

Since we purchased and moved into this home a week after Christmas, it was way to cold and snowy to even th
ink of building anything. Yet, 6 months later as the snow melted and the tulips came up, the small children with elephant brains reminded us it should be time to build a playhouse. After much deliberation and a few chats with the kids we all realized, even the small ones, that a playhouse would be fun for a few more years, however, they would grow out of it very quickly. I asked Shilo are you going to bring your first date over to spend time in your playhouse. And Chase are you going to be hanging all of your sports trophies and ribbons on the playhouse walls.

They both soon realized that a playhouse was over rated. But...the story does not end there!
If any of you know my kids, they are never willing to give one thing up without another thing to replace it. And so we ended up with this....

Monday, July 28, 2008

Miracle Baby!

This truly was a miracle story that just has to be told. My only sister who has just turned 30 years old, her whole life, claimed to love and adore children. But, to have any natural child of her own was not even feesable. As children, I was always going to be the mother and wife and homemaker, and she was to be the business women, astronaut, and money maker. However, even after being told she no longer could have children because of some medical complications, Keena was told that she was pregnant. It was a long and bumpy roller coaster of a pregnancy, with your typical morning sickness to your not so typical early labor pains and bed rest. This baby boy was due on July 16 2008, yet due to the excitement of everyone who watched him grow, I think he just could not wait. Keena went into labor way to early and Chandler Jay was born on May 19, 2008. He was only 3 lbs. and his head was no bigger then my drivers license. This little guy fought every day to keep breathing, his heart beating, and his temperature up. He had to stay in the ICU for several weeks but is finally home with his mommy now. He has grown so much and looks so much like his mom that its uncanny. We would like to welcome this little miracle baby to our family and give all of the love that he deserves.... Welcome home Chandler!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dreams do come true!

So this past Christmas, Brandon and I gave the kids each a small present wrapped in cute Santa wrapping paper. After all of the other presents were opened, thrown to the side, slept on, stepped on, and stacked into giant piles, Brandon walked to the closet and said "What is this up here in the very back of the top shelf?" As the kids both rolled over from there overstimulated blob-like positions, they saw these small presents. Running over to the grab them out of our hands they started to rip the wrapping off. Now first I must tell you that these gifts were only simple 3x5 picture frames with a piece of paper in them. on the paper was a printed off picture of the "Welcome to Disneyland" sign, and the yellow lights under the sign said..."coming soon Shilo Walker, Chase Walker summer of 2008". As they tore into these gifts Shilo was instantly jumping up and down with joy yelling "YES, YES, YES!!!!" Chase being only starting to read sat down on the floor and oh so quietly began sounding out the words. W...W...Wel..Come, to, Di...S..Ne.., anyway you get the point. We all sat quietly waiting for Chase to finish what he was working on so carefully. About 5 to 10 minutes later Chase jumped up and yelled "Disneyland we are going to Disneyland". Yes Chase good job you got it!

So Jumping forward in time June 19, 2008 we all were waking up early to head over to the airport to board our plane headed for Anaheim California. And when I say we were all waking up early I meant everyone except me, for I had been awake since 3:30 that morning. I was to exited to sleep. As we boarded the airplane I looked over at Shilo and her face was as white as a ghost. This little girl was so afraid to fly because of all of the stories she had heard from various other people. But I think having so many people there, me, Brandon, Chase, Shawna, Grandma Sherri, Grandpa Russel, and of course Aubry, she managed to be ok.

We had so much fun and really hit the ground running. After we landed at the airport and collected our luggage, and rental car, we literally headed over to Disneyland before we even checked into our hotel. Our itinerary went as follows, days one and two we spent all day running around Disneyland, day three we headed over to Universal Studios, day four was spent all day at the beach and later that night at the Medieval Times dinner, day five we went to Sea World, day six was spent at the San Diego Zoo, and finally day seven was spent at Disney California. Man it makes me tired just remembering all of that.

The kids had so many first times on this trip. First flight, first California stay, first time in the ocean, first extended stay in a hotel, first rental car (which of course they loved Grandpa's car better, he always has to be the coolest with the convertible), and of course first Disney experience. I'm so glad that I had the chance to experience all of these things with them and hope that they will remember this vacation for many years to come. It's so much fun to be the parent figure now and as I look back at everything my parents did for me as a child that I took for granted I know realize what those things actually meant. "Clean your room!", actually means enjoy the space that is yours and respect others so they will respect you. "Don't touch that!", means I love you so much and would be anyplace, do anything, and go everywhere for you. And of course, Giving you everything your heart can imagine means I want you to have things that I never could because you deserve the world. And I now know that all because my hearts walk around and breath air and make decisions with out me.... Making My Dreams Come True!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Meet Erika...Posted By Brandon

If you are wondering what a woman would look like who is the most caring parent and greatest wife then here she is.

I have never met a more charismatic, fun, caring, and daring person than her. When you look at family's you often see either a wife or a mother but you rarely see a woman really involved and into being both at the same time.
Life has given her some tough challenges and some great blessings. The challenges have taught her to be herself and be honest with herself and also to accept others for who they are. The blessings have brightened her life and contribute to her positive outlook.

But if your a jerk selfish construction guy who butts in line right in front of her, look out. She will let you know and throw down if necessary. She will protect her interests and her kids interest without any hesitation. And you always want her on your team in any type of competition unless you like to lose.

In the beggining...WalkerHill est. 2005

And then there were 4...

My kids and I were trying to make ends meet, living with my sister in a two bedroom apartment, and let me tell you that sharing a room (and bed) with a 9 year old girl and a 5 year old boy is super exciting. I was working as a customer service rep. over the phones and just trying to make my kids life as easy as it could be, when I met a nice, handsome, intelligent, and caring co-worker. Brandon and I started out just as friends. He helped me through some very difficult times and always knew just when to step in and just when to back off. We grew together and learned how to make the perfect relationship and family. We moved in together around Thanksgiving of 2005 and married on Valentines day in 2007. We have recently purchased a 4 bedroom house in Kearns, Ut. and enjoy every minute we get to spend as a family with the kids.

Shilo Kimberly Walker is 12 years old, born on August 15 1996. She is a very special person. Now there is one thing you must know about Shilo, if it could happen, it will happen to Shilo. Even though she is not even yet a teenager, she has had to deal with so much. However, this is why I have decided God gave her the personality that he did. She is a very strong and indepenant person. You better believe that if she has an opinion on something you will hear it, and probably enjoy it. In her short life we have had to medicate her for thrush, call poison control, deal with a sesure, exray for a hair fracture, get many many eye exams, visit primary children's hospital, call the police for a missing child (twice), save her from drownding, and most recently treat her everyday for diabetes. And even after all of this she is still the most amazing little girl I have ever met. Besides all of these things Shilo is a very loving a caring person. She is very intellectual and sometimes proves to be beyond her years. I am sure we will come to see many more years of Shilo's exciting life unfold before us.

Last but not least, there is Chase Russel Walker who was born on December 4 2000. He is now 7 years old, and starting to develop quit the entertaining personality. As a young child Chase could always bring a smile to any persons face, by cracking the funniest jokes, even at 1 1/2 years old. From simply putting a diaper on his head and calling himself a "butthead", to letting a big one rip in the middle of the counter and then announcing it to everyone as if they didn't already hear it, his sense of humor could make anyone smile. Oh yes did I mention that he is a boy, and so all jokes must be made around any human body function. But besides the sense of humor Chase is most deffinatly a mama's boy. Which is ok by me. This I think gives him all of the loving and caring that he has for everyone. He is not happy unless everyone in the family is happy. If anyone has any type of sorrow's at all Chase will not rest until he has helped to make it all better. Even if this just means sitting with the person and hugging them as they cry. Case will someday grow up and make the perfect family of his own, and I have no doubt that he will amaze us all.