Monday, July 28, 2008

Miracle Baby!

This truly was a miracle story that just has to be told. My only sister who has just turned 30 years old, her whole life, claimed to love and adore children. But, to have any natural child of her own was not even feesable. As children, I was always going to be the mother and wife and homemaker, and she was to be the business women, astronaut, and money maker. However, even after being told she no longer could have children because of some medical complications, Keena was told that she was pregnant. It was a long and bumpy roller coaster of a pregnancy, with your typical morning sickness to your not so typical early labor pains and bed rest. This baby boy was due on July 16 2008, yet due to the excitement of everyone who watched him grow, I think he just could not wait. Keena went into labor way to early and Chandler Jay was born on May 19, 2008. He was only 3 lbs. and his head was no bigger then my drivers license. This little guy fought every day to keep breathing, his heart beating, and his temperature up. He had to stay in the ICU for several weeks but is finally home with his mommy now. He has grown so much and looks so much like his mom that its uncanny. We would like to welcome this little miracle baby to our family and give all of the love that he deserves.... Welcome home Chandler!


keena said...

His birthday is May 19th, nerd, but in your defense May 15th is when I was admitted to hospital. Keep that pick on your camera with the drivers license, cuz I want to download it too. He is so stinkin' cute.

keena said...

Yeah ... you fixed his birthday ... Tanks, Aunt Jugs.