Thursday, July 31, 2008

We all know whos really in charge!

When we were looking at houses to buy this past year, we actually found a house that we wanted and put an offer on. Even though the offer had not yet been accepted we took the kids to see this house. They were so excited running around it like they already owned it. And to top it all off, in the back yard was a playhouse/stage that they just loved. Well to make a long story short that whole deal fell through and that house was no longer available for us. Thankfully that was not the house of our dreams, even if the kids thought the playhouse was the playhouse of there dreams. A few weeks later we found the perfect house for our family, however, you guessed it, there was no playhouse in the back yard. The kids, being the law enforcers that they are, stated we could buy this house on one condition. That we build them a playhouse!

Since we purchased and moved into this home a week after Christmas, it was way to cold and snowy to even th
ink of building anything. Yet, 6 months later as the snow melted and the tulips came up, the small children with elephant brains reminded us it should be time to build a playhouse. After much deliberation and a few chats with the kids we all realized, even the small ones, that a playhouse would be fun for a few more years, however, they would grow out of it very quickly. I asked Shilo are you going to bring your first date over to spend time in your playhouse. And Chase are you going to be hanging all of your sports trophies and ribbons on the playhouse walls.

They both soon realized that a playhouse was over rated. But...the story does not end there!
If any of you know my kids, they are never willing to give one thing up without another thing to replace it. And so we ended up with this....


keena said...

UM ??? maybe change your font.

Jess said...

I know, Kids seriously don't forget ANYTHING! hey keena, just copy and paste it into word and change the font yourself.. its like code man!
We had to get a trampoline because I was sick of the girls using our neighbors every day! I always thought they were way too dangerous, but they play on it for hours!