Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm so scared...

For the past month I noticed Chase has been complaining of a stomach ache frequently. At first I simply ignored it, chalking it up to not wanting to clean his room, or go to bed, or do something not fun. Until two weeks ago when we were at the Bee's baseball game and again he was complaining. Realizing that I'm sure he didn't want to leave a baseball game, so something must have really been bugging him and sure enough that night he threw-up. So I decided to start to pay attention to these pains, and found that it was usually right before bed and early morning when he was woken up. Again about a week later he vomited, and once this happens he seams fine. So I thought to myself this can not be a stomach flu or 24 hour virus. My first thought was maybe an allergy. I called my good friend a fitness trainer and dietitian, to ask about food allergies. Now she also happens to have a 15 year old son who has diabetes since he was 5, and after this past year of having Shilo diagnosed, I know how much teaching and learning is involved in this process. Anyway, she mentioned a disease called Celiac Disease. Of course I ran to my computer and instantly googled it. Chase has 3 of the 7 symptoms and it runs in families who have a history of diabetes. For those of you who may not know Celiac Disease is when your body can no longer absorbe anything with gluton in it, such as wheat and bread products, malted drinks, most powders and pastes, sauces, sausage, and even some potato chips. The only treatment for this disorder is to eat completely gluton free food for the rest of your life (this would not be an easy task). At least with Shilo having diabetes, although it is hard and daunting at times, she can eat whatever she wants she just has to account for it and correct it. There is no correction for this. Well I called the Clinic and they gave me a list of foods to try and keep him from eating for a week or so and see if his belly aches go away. If he has this what will we do...I'll tell you what we will do, we will be bringing our own food everyplace we go :( I am thankful that my kids are generally healthy but why would this type of thing happen to two kids in one family? Why do my babies have to be sick?


keena said...

He will be fine Sis ... even if it is some kind of alergy, just think how it could be worse ... not that that is what you want to hear but it really could be worse. My chicken wing is in my thougts!

Jess said...

Dang technology rocks.. in other words...whatever it may be... thank goodness we've got modern medicine and dieticians to help deal with it... Sorry you're so stressed and worried about it though.. I would be too if he were mine.. he'll be fine.. he's got a good mommy..

chattykeena said...

I can only imagine what you must be feeling if indeed his little body can't tolerate glutten. Having said this, I do have a friend who has managed her whole life just fine on glutten-free foods. As Keena said, it could be something much worse.

chattykeena said...

By the way, that last comment was from me, 'mom', Carole, whatever. (don't have a google account and so used Keena's).