Friday, August 1, 2008

July 24th Pioneer Day

Today we spent the day relaxing and chilling out by the pool. Since it has been so hot here lately and we all had the day off, the kids and I decided to head out to the Kearns Olympic pool.
There is a giant 500 gallon bucket that sits on top of this huge platform...once you hear the warning bell start to ring you have about 5-10 seconds to either get out of the way or feel the wrath of the water gods!Chase is such a lady killer, look at those abs. He wont admit it now but someday he will know just how handsome he is. Watch out girls he is a heart breaker for sure.

I always knew that he was part fish... and this just proves it.

This is so funny, you cant tell in this picture but in about 3 seconds chase knows exactly how it feels to have a monsoon crash down on you HEHE.

You may be asking, why all the pictures of Chase where was Shilo...does this answer your question. Unless you are super fast with the camera you can never catch her. You will see her when you get there and when its time to leave and the rest of the time you have to be fast or you'll miss it.

I told you she is the craziest person ever, never keeps two feet on the ground!!!

1 comment:

keena said...

I remember when Chase was tinnie winnie and he was trying to kill us all with heart failure cuz he would jump right off the edge of the pool with no flotation device and we would all have a heart attack. Look at him now.